Tuesday, August 25, 2020

arthurs pass


                     i had to make a slide about all off the birds you will see on the way to arthurs pass and facts 

                      about all of the birds you will see on the way to arthurs pass i rote kea and a weka and kiwi and pukeko and hork and fan tail and pidgen and black bird and wax eye click on the link to see all my facts 


Friday, August 7, 2020

pick a path                                              https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1bo5pCM0Vi6WJZyduzJpDJV-op-SAeBYhW9UZAJoELyY/edit?ts=5f29d4f6#slide=id.p                                     i in joed pick a path my pick a path is about in the forest we cout a rabbit and fish and eels.